A useful discord bot . the cleverbot function is very useful when you especially feel alone, because you can have little chats with the bot. there are many other functions also, like the events and other commands. Cat bot is currently V4.01
Commands :
~Help - Shows up help commands~Calculate - Shows up calculation commands
~Info - Shows up information commands
~Fun - Shows up fun commands
~Race <@mention> - Race with the mentioned user
~Avatar - Shows up your avatar and if ~avatar <@mention> sends the avatar of the mentioned user
~Serverinfo - Shows up some info about the current server
~Userinfo <@mention> - Shows up info about the mentioned user
~Divide <NUM 1> <NUM2> - Divides the two numbers
~Add <NUM 1> <NUM2> - Adds the two numbers
~Subtract <NUM 1> <NUM2> - Subtracts the two numbers
~Multiply <NUM 1> <NUM2> - Multiplies the two numbers
~Coinflip - flips a coin and tells you which side it flipped
~Roll - Rolls a dice and tells you the number it rolled.
<@mention> <message> - Have a chat with the cleverbot
~Set - Creates the log channel of this bot
~Bans - Sends the banned users in the current server
~Time - Sends the current time of where the bot is
~Leave - Leaves the voice channel which the bot is in
~Join - Join the voice channel which you are in
~Del <Amount> - Deletes the amount of messages in the server
~Stats - This bot collects stats. when you run this command, it sends your current stats
~Urban <Word> - Search urban dictionary for the definition of the word
~Google <Word> - Search google for the word you want
Events :
- Informs when an emoji is created
- Informs when an emoji is deleted
- Informs when an emoji is updated
- Informs when a role is created
- Informs when a role is deleted
- Informs when a role is updated
- Informs when a message is deleted
- Informs when a channel is created
- Informs when a channel is deleted
- Informs when a channel is updated
- Informs when the pins for a channel is updated
- Informs when a user joins a server
- Informs when a user gets kicked or leaves a server
- Informs when a user gets banned
- Informs when a user gets unbanned
- Informs when a user reacts to a message
- Informs when a Note of a user is updated
- Informs when a user removes reaction in a message
- Informs when a user updates the users account
- Informs when all reactions in a message is removed
Notes :
- The bot should have MANAGE CHANNELS permission.
- The bot collect stats from user's messages
- I have no control over which the bot responds with, when using cleverbot. (crazy talk)
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